Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pretty Pictures of FX16 GT-S

The Exterior is Complete.

I got the exterior all done and got some time to take it for it's first drive and formal pictures. The FX16 drove so much better than I imagined. It absorbed mid-corner bumps and stayed flat through the bends. The engine rev's to the sky and the gearing is perfectly spaced for back-road shenanigans. I can't wait to take it on a proper road trip.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Time line of progress

Well, i have been very poor at updating. I have just been too busy working on the car itself :) Here is about 3 months of work on the GT-S.

The journey back, it's 12:15 am and i still had a 5 hour drive home.

This is where he spent a good 6 weeks while many parts were changed for new replacements such as: all new shocks and bushings, all new brakes (lines and everything), clutch, lightened flywheel, clutch master and slave, all motor mounts...the list goes on. My attempt was to restore the car to factory new.

Interior is in pretty rough shape, plastics have faded and just so much dirt everywhere.

The tear down. Stripped all body pieces and interior pieces. I secured a replacement driver side fender and new bumper to be painted off the car.

Before and after paint.

Light surface rust in the spare wheel well was removed and then primed and sealed. After, I put dynamat on both the inner skins and outer skins of the car. It has made a MASSIVE difference in sound levels. Not a single rattle anywhere.

Just test fitting the body pieces, it's lookin' pretty good :)



There he is :)

Just some last touches to take care of like putting the stickers on it.

I will post up the final pictures soon.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Getting the exhaust straightened out

Today i am getting the gts a new catback exhaust. The stock exhaust had a lot of holes in it and sounded crummy. I had 2.25" tubing installed with a magnaflow muffler.

No disassemble!

Im taking the fx16 apart to get it ready for paint, the only piece I need is a new hood ( the one on it has a ding on top and it seperated from it's frame).

I have the doors completely apart, rear windows are out. All the lower trim is out. Seats are out, carpets are out.

I am carefully cataloging all the screws and clips to make sure it all comes back together. 

I got the drivers seat back from the upholstery guy, it looks like it's brand new :)

He is still working on the passenger seat and the rear seats.

I'm getting new keys cut from the lock number (instead of crummy copies) and I'm going to have the carpets and door cards cleaned.